A very warm welcome to NCMC.
The National Chamber Music Course is a week long residential course mainly for string players and this year celebrates its 51st year. The students are coached by highly committed chamber musicians who are drawn from both the UK and Europe.
The course is family based which means that all of the faculty have known each other for many years, the younger members having been on the course themselves. This is also reflected in the number of families whose children return year after year and it is a tradition we hope to continue.
A wide age range of students is catered for which has several interesting advantages. One of these is that the element of competition is greatly lessened as there are not enough of any one age-range to feel anxious about their position!
The course offers a memorable and intensive week of activities that combines music with sport, cabaret and other events. I hope that what follows gives you an idea of what we're like and what keeps our students busy.
Do please contact Paresha, our Course Administrator, if you have any questions or require further information.
Celia Waterhouse
Course Director NCMC