The House
PRINCESS HELENA COLLEGE is a girl's boarding school set
in beautiful Hertfordshire countryside, five miles south of
Hitchin and easily accessible by road or rail. The main
house is Georgian, much enlarged by Edwin Lutyens in
1908. The extensive gardens were designed by the
renowned garden designer Gertrude Jekyll, a great friend
of Lutyens. The formal gardens and the 183 acres of
parkland provide an idyllic and safe environment for
our students.
ACCOMMODATION is in pleasant rooms of various sizes.
Students should bring a sleeping bag, (or duvet, cover and
undersheet), towel and swimming costume.
Students will also need a spare set of strings, music stand, pencils and eraser.
PASTORAL CARE, a House Mother will be available at all times to deal with students' general needs. A health professional is normally available should first aid be required and a life guard will attend all swimming sessions.